Page:Selections from Muhammadan Traditions - tr. William Goldsack (1923).djvu/316

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It is related from Thabitu'l-Bunani from Anas that, ' The Apostle of God said, " Buraq was brought to me. He was a white beast, longer and higher than an ass, but not so high as a mule. Its foot came down at a distance as far as its eye could reach. Then I rode on it until I came to the Holy House (at Jerusalem). And I tied him to the ring to which the prophets were wont to tie (their steeds). Then I entered the mosque, and prayed there in two rak'ahs. After that I came out and Gabriel brought me a vessel of wine and a vessel of milk; and I chose the milk. Then Gabriel said, ' Thou hast chosen religion.' After that he ascended with us to heaven." After that Thabit related as in the former tradition.'


It is related from Anas bin Malik that, ' Abu Bakr Us- iddiq said, " I saw the feet of the polytheists above our heads when we were in the cave, and I said, ' O Apostle of God, if one of them looks towards his feet, he will see us.' He replied, ' O Abu Bakr, dost thou imagine there are but two, when God is the Third of them!" ' Muslim, Al Bukhdri.

It is related from Anas that he said, ' Verily the Apostle of God took counsel when the news reached us of the approach of Abu Sufyan (with a Meccan army). Then Sa'd bin ' Ubadah stood up and said, " O Apostle of God, by Him in whose hand is my life! if thou order us to drive them into the sea, we will certainly do it. And if thou order us to smite their livers to Baraku'l-Ghima, we will certainly do it." Then the Apostle of God exhorted the people. And they travelled until they came down to Badr. Then the Apostle of God said, ".This is the place where so and so will be smitten to the ground," and he placed his hand upon the earth " here and here." Anas said, 1 Not one of them passed the place touched by the Apostle's hand. ' Muslim.

It is related from Sa'd bin Abu Waqqas that he said, 1 On the day (of the battle of)'Uhud, I saw two men on the right and left sides of the Apostle of God, clothed in white clothes. They were fighting in a manner resembling the fiercest righting. I never saw them before nor yet afterwards. I mean they were Gabriel and Michael.' Muslim, Al Bukhdri.