Page:Selections from Muhammadan Traditions - tr. William Goldsack (1923).djvu/323

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news of thy death!" Afterwards, when he was buried, Fatimah said, "O Anas, are ye happy in throwing dirt upon the Apostle of God! " ' Al Bukhdrt.

It is related from ' Ayesha that, ' When the Apostle of God died, they disagreed about (the place of) his burial. Then Abii Bakr said, "I heard something (relating to this) from the Apostle of God. He said, ' God takes no prophet, but in the place in which he loves to be buried.' Bury him therefore in the place where his bed is." ' At Tirmidhi

It is related from Ayesha that she said, The Apostle of God, in the illness in which he died, was saying, " O \Ayesha, I continue to feel the pain from the (poisoned) food which I ate at Khaibar; and this is the hour in which I feel the cutting of my arteries from that poison." ' Al Bukhdri.

It is related from Ibn 'Abbas that, 'When the Apostle of God was approached by death, there were some men in the house, amongst whom was 'Omar binu'l-Khattab. And the Prophet said, " Come, and I will write for you a writing after which ye will never go astray." Then 'Omar said, "The pain has overcome him, and ye have the Qur'an; the Word of God is sufficient for yon." But the people of the house differed about the matter and squabbled. And some of them said, "Bring near (writing materials), so that the Apostle of God may write for you." And some amongst them said what 'Omar had said. And when the clamour and dissension increas- ed, the Apostle of God said, " Get up from me." 'Ubaidu'llah said that Ibn 'Abbas used to say, "Verily the misfortunes, all the misfortunes which have come to us, between the Apostle and his writing for them that writing, have come on account of their disagreement and clamour.' Muslim, Al Bukhdri.

It is related from 'Ayesha that she said, ' The Apostle of God returned to me on a certain day from a funeral in Baqi'a; and he found me suffering from a headache. And I said, "O my headache! ' He said, "Rather, O 'Ayesha, I say, O my headache! What harm is it to thee, if thou die before me, for I will wash thee and shroud thee and pray over thee and bury thee." I said, " I fancy I see thee! by God! if thou didst that, thou wouldst certainly return to my house and co-habit therein with some of thy wives." Then the Apostle of God smiled. After that the pains began from which he died.' Al Ddrimi.