Page:Selections from Muhammadan Traditions - tr. William Goldsack (1923).djvu/325

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Let there not remain in the mosque any window except that of Abu Bakr." And in another tradition it runs, ' If I had taken a friend besides my Lord, I would certainly have taken Abu Bakr as that friend.' Muslim, Al Bukhdri.

It is related from 'Ayesha that she said, ' The Apostle of God said to me in his illness, " Call Abu Bakr, thy father, and thy brother to me, so that I rray write a writing; for I fear that some may desire (the succession) and say, I (am more worthy); but such will not be so. And God and the believers will refuse any but Abu Bakr." 'Muslim.


It is related from Ibn 'Omar that, ' The Apostle of God said, "Verily God has placed the truth on the tongue and heart of 'Omar." ' At Tirmidhi.

It is related from 'Uqbah bin 'Amir that, ' The Prophet said, " Had there been a prophet after me, it would certainly have been 'Omar binu'l-Khattab." ' At Tirmidhi.

It is related from Anas and Ibn 'Omar that, ' 'Omar said, ' I agreed with my Lord in three things. I said, ' O Apostle of God, if we had taken the place of Abraham as a place of prayer, (it would have been better).' Then the revelation descended, 'Take the place of Abraham as a place of prayer.' And I said, ' O Apostle of God, good and bad men go in where thy wives are; if thou hadst ordered the latter to veil them- selves (it would have been better).' And then descended the verse of the veil. And the wives of the Prophet were agreed together in a matter of jealousy. So I said to them, * It may be that if he divorce you, his Lord will bring in place of you other wives better than you.' Then the revelation came down thus." ' Muslim, Al Bukhdri.


It is related from Talhah bin 'Ubaidu'llah that, 'The Apostle of God said, " There is a companion for every prophet; and my companion in paradise will be 'Othman." ' At Tir- midhi.

It is related from 'Omar that ' The Apostle of God mentioned an insurrection and said, "This man will be killed in it unjustly." (This he said) alluding to 'Othman.' At Tirmidhi.