Page:Selections from Muhammadan Traditions - tr. William Goldsack (1923).djvu/328

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And he began to violate it, and said something concerning its beauty. I said, "By God! he most resembled the Apostle of God of them all." And the head was dyed with indigo.' Al Bukhdri. And in another tradition from At Tirmidhi, he said, ' I was near Ibn Ziyad, and they brought the head of Husain. And he began to strike it with a stick on its nose, and say, " I have never seen anything so beautiful as this." I said, "Beware! verily he resembled the Apostle of God more than they all."


It is related from 'Ali that he said, ' I heard the Apostle of God say, "The best of the women of her time was Mary, the daughter of 'Imran; and the best of the women of her time was Khadijah, the daughter of Khuwailid." ' Muslim, Al Bukhdri.

It is related from 'Ayesha that, 'Gabriel brought her likeness to the Apostle of God on a green, silk cloth and said, " This is thy wife in this world and the next." At Tirmidhi.

It is related from 'Ayesha that she said, ' I was never so jealous of any of the Prophet's wives as I was of Khadijah, although I had never seen her. But he used to mention her frequently; and often he would slay a goat and cut it up into pieces and then send them to Khadijah's friends. And often I said to him, " It seems as though there was no woman in the world except Khadijah! ' And he would say, " She was so and so; and I had children by her." ' Muslim, Al Bukhdri.

It is related from Abu Musa, that he said, ' No tradition was ever difficult for us, the companions of the Apostle of God, and we asked 'Ayesha, but we found a knowledge of it with her. At Tirmidhi.

It is related from Musa bin Talhah that he said, ' I never saw anyone more eloquent than 'Ayesha.' At Tirmidhi.

It is related from Anas that he said, ' When God gave booty to His Apostle from the property of the Hawazin, and he in turn began to give each man of the Quraish a hundred camels, then some men of the Helpers said, " May God forgive the Apostle of God! he gives to the Quraish, and he omits us, though it was our swords which shed their blood." Then their words were reported to the Apostle of God. So he sent to the Helpers and