Page:Selections from Muhammadan Traditions - tr. William Goldsack (1923).djvu/33

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said, "Do not say that the people of the Book are telling the truth, and do not accuse them of falsehood, but say, 'We believe in God and in what has been sent down upon us,"'—Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Al Miqdám bin Maʿdíkarib that, 'The Apostle of God said, "Have I not been given the Qurʾán, and with it that which is like it! Will not some arrogant person say to you concerning the Qurʾán, 'Consider that lawful which you find made lawful in it, and consider that unlawful which you find made unlawful in it.' Verily what the Apostle of God has made unlawful is like what God has made unlawful. Beware, the flesh of the tame ass is not made lawful for you, nor that of beasts of prey, nor is the thing lawful which is dropped by any one with whom you have made a compact, except its owner is in no need of it. And whosoever alights amongst a company, it is their duty to entertain him; and if they do not give him hospitality, then he may take food sufficient for his requirements."'—Abú Dáud.

It is related from ʿIrbáḍ bin Sáriyah that he said, 'The Apostle of God stood up and said, "Doth any one of you in his arrogance suppose that God has not forbidden anything except what is in the Qurʾán? By God! I have commanded and taught and prohibited things which are certainly like the Qurʾán or more (than it). Verily God has not made it lawful for you that ye enter the houses of the people of the Book, except by permission, or that ye beat their women, or that ye eat their fruit, when they give you what they are obliged to (as tax)."'—Abú Dáud.

It is related from ʿIrbáḍ bin Sáriyah that he said, 'On a certain day the Apostle of God said prayers with us; then he drew near to us and gave us eloquent instruction that brought tears to our eyes and by which our hearts were affected. A man said, "O Apostle of God, this is as if it were a farewell address, therefore give us a command." He replied, "I command you the fear of God, and giving ear and obedience (to my successor) although he be an Abyssinian slave; for those of you who will live after me will see many schisms. Therefore it is your duty to follow my rule of faith and the rule of faith of the rightly guided Khalífas. Seize it and hold it fast. Beware of new things, for all new things are an