Page:Selections from Muhammadan Traditions - tr. William Goldsack (1923).djvu/44

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head, and supplicated a blessing for me. After that he performed ablutions, and I drank from the water with which he had performed the ablutions, and then stood up behind his back. And I saw the seal of prophecy between his shoulders like the tassel of a bride's canopy.'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Abú Zaid from ʿAbduʾlláh bin Masʿúd that, 'The Apostle of God said to him on the night in which the genii (accepted Islám), "What is that in thy dish?" I replied, "The juice of dates." He said, "Dates are good, and water is pure."'—Abú Dáud. Aḥmad and At Tirmidhí add to this the words, 'Then he performed his ablutions with it (the date juice).' And Tirmidhí says that Abú Zaid is in error; and the truth is that received from ʿAlqamah from ʿAbduʾlláh bin Masʿúd who said, "I was not with the Apostle of God on the night when the genii (accepted Islám.)"'—Muslim.

It is related from ʿOmar binuʾl-Khaṭṭáb that he said, 'Do not bathe in water warmed by the sun, because it induces leprosy.'—Al Dáraqutni.

On the Cleansing of Impurities

It is related from Abú Hurairah that, 'The Apostle of God said, "When a dog drinks from a vessel of any one of you, then let him wash it seven times."'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from ʿAbduʾlláh bin ʿAbbás that, 'A sheep was given in alms to a freed woman of Al Maimúnah, and it died. And the Apostle of God passed by and said, "Have you not taken its skin and tanned it and made some profit by it?" They replied, "But it died!" He said, "Only the eating of it was unlawful (for you)."'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Al Miqdám bin Maʿdíkarib that he said, 'The Apostle of God prohibited the wearing of skins of beasts of prey and the riding upon them.'—Abú Dáud, An Nasái.

On Touching the Boots

It is related from Shuraih bin Háni that he said, 'I asked ʿÁlí bin Abú Ṭálib about wiping the hands on the boots (in place of removing them and washing the feet before prayer). He replied, "The Apostle of God fixed three days and nights (as a limit) for travellers, and one day and one night for those residing in a fixed place."'—Muslim.