Page:Selections from Muhammadan Traditions - tr. William Goldsack (1923).djvu/84

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genuflections. Thus the Apostle of God prayed in all, in four rakʿahs, but the people prayed in two only."'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Abú Hurairah that, 'The Apostle of God alighted between Ḍajnán and ʿUsfán. Then the polytheists said, "Verily prayer is more precious to these people than their fathers and their children—and it was the afternoon prayer—do ye, therefore, join forces and advance upon them in one attack." But verily Gabriel came to the Prophet and commanded him to divide his companions into two parties and to pray with them, and that the other party should stand behind them and remain on guard holding their arms. And they prayed in one rakʿah, but the Apostle of God prayed in two rakʿaks.'—At Tirmidhí, An Nasái.

Concerning the Prayers of the Two Great Festivals

It is related from Jábir bin Samurah that he said, 'I said prayers with the Apostle of God at the two festivals (of sacrifice and of breaking the fast) not only once or twice, (but many times) without the call to prayer or the words "Prayers are now ready."'—Muslim.'

It is related that Ibn ʿAbbás was asked, 'Wast thou present with the Apostle of God at the festival?' He replied, 'Yes, the Apostle of God came out at the festival and said the prayers, after which he gave the address—but Ibn ʿAbbás did not mention the call to prayers or the repetition of the words, "Prayer is now ready"—then he came to the women and admonished them and gave them advice and commanded them to give alms. And I saw them put their hands to their ears and throats and throw (their ornaments) to Bilál, after which he and Bilál went away to his house.'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from ʿÁyesha that she said, ʿAbú Bakr entered where she was, and there were two girls with her on the day of Mina, and they were playing the tambourine and beating it.'—And in another tradition it runs, 'They were singing the words which the helpers repeated on the day (of the battle) of Buʿáth—and the Prophet was covered with his cloth. And Abú Bakr rebuked them; but the Prophet uncovered his face and said, "Let them alone, O Abú Bakr, for verily these are days of festival." And in another tradition it runs, "O Abú