Page:Self-Government for Uganda An African State Manifesto by the Progressive Party.djvu/14

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The next stage is all important. What hapens now sets the pace of achieving self-government. This is time for hard work. The effort we put in fighting for the return of the Kabaka must not be allowed to flag; the lessons learnt must spur us to further effort for the building of a new Uganda. But to build a new Uganda we need new methods. A party system throughout the country is one of the answers. Democracy, which all of us want and must have, cannot function except by means of organised parties.

Political parties are based on differences of temperament and habit of mind. Some people by nature are fond of affecting change by shouting and violence; others prefer working in a different way.


We give this Memorandum to the public from the belief that if a people are to be saved from whatever danger that threatens them, whether it be the degrading evils of colonalism or the social scourge of poverty, ignorance and disease, they will in the last analysis save themselves through their own indegeous power, pride and responsibility. If outsiders are to be helpful, their help must take the form of friendly and unobtrusive support.

We will see Uganda run by "a government of the people for the people" (Gavumenti y'abantu erwana okuyamba abantu baayo).