Page:Self-Government for Uganda An African State Manifesto by the Progressive Party.djvu/8

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The internal market will be so organized that wherever the food producer may be, he will be helped to find a market for his crops and he will sell his product at a profit and the consumer will buy at a reasonably low price.

This policy will place Uganda farmers among the world's biggest exporters of Agricultural products. In addition, the P.P. Government will arrange for the internal and foreign marketing of meat of all types and people will be encouraged to farm live-stock of every kind for sale as well as for home consumption. Under Self-government the Government will build food canning factories to deal with any surpluses of food. The Government will then sell these factories to African companies.

(ii) MINERS:- The minerals of Uganda are lying idle and unexploited because our miners do not have money or equipment enough to go ahead with their work. The P.P. plans to lend money and mining machinery to all those miners whose mines are promising to enable them to produce the utmost that our country can of minerals.

(iii) BUSINESSMEN:- For the Shop-keeper, Garage owner and Engineer, Building Contractor, etc., the P.P. has very good news. Under Self-government, the P.P. will provide money for loans to the businessman to enable him to expand his business. Government will build business premises and let them to businessmen at low rents, in the town areas. There will be no payment of premiums and key money etc., as at present.

The Governments will also make special arrangements with foreign manufacturers and exporters (through trade consuls) to deal directly with our Businessmen. The non-African trader will not be allowed to trade in the country-side. He will be restricted to the township areas only. Wholesale Agencies will be established to supply goods directly to our traders and other businessmen at fair world prices.

(iv) TRANSPORT:-The Transport Operator will also receive special attention from the P.P. Government. Under Self-government, the P.P. will make all the big accessory roads through-out the country "all-weather roads". Tar-mac roads will link the extreme ends of Uganda e.g., from Nimule to Kabale, from Karamoja and Soroti to Arua etc. This will enable the transporter to play his part with profit in the development of trade.