Page:Semiramis and other plays (IA semiramisotherpl00darg).djvu/136

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2d Guard. He'll have to know soon, or Juarez will tell him in the capital. 1st Guard. Not a word! On your life! (Shouts without) Here they are! By Jesu! The fools have have taken the mules from the carriage and draw it themselves! Now I wonder how much a head Miramon pays for that! (Enter rabble of shouting citizens drawing carriage in which sit the Emperor and Empress. They are fol- lowed by a brilliant party of ladies and gentlemen. General and Madam Miramon, Princess de Varela, Prince and Princess Zichy, Prince and Princess Salm- Salm, Lopez, Count Charles, Marquez, Archbishop Labastida, Estrada, Berzabal, and others) Max. (To citizens) My friends, though I protest against this honor, I thank you from my heart for such kind proof Of your affection. (Alights) Voices. Long live Maximilian! One of the rabble, awkward and ignorant. Long live the President of the Empire! Max. (Smiling) I've no objection to that title, friend, but I fear it would be criticised in Europe. (Crowd passes out shouting and dragging carriage) Max. (To Carlotta, as he looks at theatre) A noble building! Fair and magnificent! Car. How yonder gardens gleam beneath the lights Like some soft dream of worlds we do not know! Max. And all is yours, my sweet,—all planned by you! O love, you shall be mistress of a land The fairest ever smiled up to the sun! What say you, Charles? Does not this hour repay Even the sacrifices[errata 1] of Miramar?

Car. (Smiling) Nay, he longs still for the old nooks and books.

  1. Correction: sacrifices should be amended to sacrifice