Page:Semiramis and other plays (IA semiramisotherpl00darg).djvu/46

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Vas. She cried 'My brother's lost!'
Nin. No more![errata 1]
Vas. O, then her soul put sorrow's grandeur on,
And those about her saw a noble storm;
But yet so proud her royal eyes, each drop
That fell from them were worth a world
To him for whom they fell!
Nin. (Aside) He loves the queen!
(Enter Semiramis, left, centre)
Sem. Is this thing true, my lord? O, surely Heaven
Will cry out 'No' though thou must answer 'Ay!'
Nin. (To Vassin) Go! (Exit Vassin, right front)
Sem. Is it true?
Nin. Too true, my queen!
Khosrove is maimed beyond all hope of life,
And thou must make thy husband heir to love
That was thy brother's.
Sem. Oh!
Nin. Thy grief is mine.
Sem. I will not weep, though I could shed such streams
As when the clouds from riven breast pour down
Their torrent agonies! . . . How strange, my lord,
The guards should venture so without your warrant!
Nin. I've had their heads for it!
Sem. (Shocked) Their heads! . . . Why, this
'Tis to be royal! Ah!
Nin. Put by these thoughts,
Semiramis. No theme to-day but love!
Sem. Love, sir?
Nin. Ay, that! Thou lov'st me, dost thou not?
Sem. Thou art great Ninus!
Nin. I'd be loved as man!
Forget my kingdom, and put arms about me
As doth the peasant maid her beggar lord!

  1. Correction: No more! should be amended to No more?