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on the constant control of the supervision of legislation on Labor Protection, and of the sanitary-hygienic state of enterprises, housing, schools, hospitals, baths and so forth. Special attention is to be paid to attracting into active work in Labor protection the working youth, which in the person of its Communist League, represents a leading element, affording a great assistance to all the organs of the Soviet Government by presenting an example of energy and firm revolutionary faith in the righteousness of the workers' cause. In connection with all organs of the League there are economic legal departments which under the guidance of the Labor Inspectors carry on the Labor protection of minors. Moreover, in February of the year we laid the foundation of a special institution of assistant inspectors of labor from the midst of the League of Labor Youth. The best representatives of the proletarian youth, elected to these posts by the League in agreement with the Council of Trade Unions, are supported by the State and, thanks to this, are able to devote themselves fully to the work of Labor Protection. Whilst paying most attention to the protection of child labor, they at the same time assist the inspector in all the other aspects of its activity, thanks to which they continually gain experience as fully intelligent and efficient workers in labor protection.

Finally, every measure is being taken to draw women workers to the work of labor protection. The general meetings of the representatives of women workers of every district elect special delegates who constantly participate in the activity of the local sub-department of Labor Protection, visit the enterprises under the guidance of the Labor Inspectors, attend special lectures, and take part in discussions on labor protection which are arranged by the Labor Inspection, and also closely participate in the realization of Labor Protection for women and children.

Thus, thanks to persistent and detailed daily work, both of an organizing, agitational, cultural and edu-