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delightful ſurpriſe, when they and themſelves ſurrounded by guardian angels, inſtead of weeping friends? How ſecurely do they wing their way, and paſs through unknown worlds, under the conduct of thoſe celeſtial guides!—The vale of tears is quite loſt. Farewel, for ever, the realms of woe, and range of malignant beings! They arrive on the frontiers of inexpreſſible felicity. They "are come to the city of the living God." while a voice, ſweeter than muſic in her ſofteſt ſtrains, ſweet as the harmony of hymning ſeraphim, congratulates their arrival, and beſpeaks their admiſſion: Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlaſting doors, that the heirs of glory may enter in.

Here, then, let us leave the ſpirits and ſouls of the righteous, eſcaped from an entangling wilderness, and received into a paradiſe of delights! escaped from the territories of disquietude, and settled in regions of unmoleſted security! Here they ſit down with Abraham, Iſaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of their Father. Here they mingle with an innumerable company of angels, and rejoice around the throne of the Lamb; rejoice in the fruition of present felicity, and in the aſſured expectation of an inconceivable addition to their bliss; when GOD ſhall call the heavens from above, and the earth, that he may judge his people.