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magnificence and ſplendour, vouchſafes to confeſs their names; vouchſafes to commemorate their fidelity, before all the inhabitants of the ſkies, and the whole aſſembled world.

Hark! the thunders are huſhed. See! the lightnings ceaſe their rage; the angelic armies ſtand in ſilent ſuſpenſe; the whole race of Adam is wrapt in pleaſing or anxious expectation.———And now that adorable perſon, whoſe favour is better than life, whoſe acceptance is a crown of glory, lifts up the light of his countenance upon the righteous. He ſpeaks; and what raviſhing words proceed from his gracious lips! What ecſtaſies of delight they enkindle in the breaſts of the faithful! "I accept you, O my people! Ye are they that believed in my name. Ye are they that renounced yourſelves, and are complete in me. I ſee no ſpot or blemiſh in you; for ye are waſhed in my blood, and clothed in my righteouſneſs. Renewed by my Spirit, ye have glorified me on earth, and have been faithful unto death. Come, then, ye ſervants of holineſs, enter into the joy of your Lord. Come, ye children of light, ye bleſſed of my Father, receive the kingdom that ſhall never be removed; wear the crown which fadeth not away; and enjoy pleaſures for evermore!

The wicked—My mind recoils at the