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their reluctant ſouls, but they are hurried into the preſence of an injured, angry God;—Reſurrection will be no privilege to them; but immortality itſelf their everlaſting curſe.—Would they not bleſs the grave, "that land where all things are forgotten;" and wiſh to lie eternally hid in its deepeſt gloom? But the duſt refuſes to conceal their perſons, or to draw a veil over their practices. They muſt alſo awake; muſt ariſe; muſt appear at the bar; and meet the Judge; a Judge before whom "the pillars of heaven tremble, and the earth melts away:" a Judge, once long-ſuffering and very compaſſionate, but now unalterably determined to teach ſtubborn offenders,—what it is to provoke the omnipotent Godhead; what it is to trample upon the blood of his Son, and offer deſpite to all the gracious overtures of his Spirit,

Behold! the books are opened; the ſecrets aſ all hearts are diſcloſed; the hidden things of darkneſs are brought to light. How empty, how ineffectual now, are all thoſe refined artifices, with which hypocrites impoſed upon their fellow-creatures, and preſerved a character in the fight of men! The jealous GOD, who has been about their path, and about their bed, and 'ſpied out all their ways, "ſets before them the things that they have done." They cannot anſwer him one in a thouſand, nor ſtand in the awful judgement. The heavens reveal their iniquities, and the earth riſes up againſt them. They