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Our Lord Himself has told us the same thing. 1 Amen, I say to you, if you shall have faith, and stagger not,... if you shall say to this mountain: Take up and cast thyself into the sea, it shall be done, and all things whatsoever that you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.’[1]

See, then, what you have been brought to by sin, and ask with faith for your conversion. Never say that it is impossible: — though your sins were crushing you with a weight as of a mountain, pray, and the weight will yield to your prayer! Believe firmly that you will obtain what you ask, and it will be given to you. Jesus Christ makes use of these extraordinary comparisons on purpose to show that everything is possible for the man who prays.

Let every Christian, then, take courage, and never despair of his salvation.

  1. Matt. xxi. 21, 22.