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which He meant that their purely external piety made them entertain a false opinion of their own virtue; whilst those who are openly wicked often become ashamed of themselves, and are converted at last more readily than the outwardly righteous.

Consider those two young men in the Parable. One of them is ashamed to disobey his Father openly by saying ' I will not ’; yet after having said ' I go, sir,’ he followed his own inclination 'and he went not.’ The other said openly ' I will not'; but afterwards, ‘being moved with repentance, he went.’ One had the presumption to wish to appear virtuous, but was so in words only: hence he fell. The other became horrified at his own boldness, and repented.

We should, therefore, neither pay too much attention to the presumptuous assertions of those who promise everything, nor despair of those who seem to give up everything. Great offences more often lead to repentance than do faults that are hidden under a sham piety, which consists in nothing but words; and whose professors think they have done all when they have praised the Law and the practice of virtue, like the Jews.

Bestir yourself, O Christian Soul! Have