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have it for solid use, not for ostentatious display. We love fasting, too, when we find our chief nourishment in truth and justice; and fasting purifies the heart and destroys sensuality.

Our heart is pure, moreover, when we keep our good deeds for the eyes of God alone; when we are content to be seen by Him, and do not make virtue serve as a cloak for deceiving the world and attracting the notice and love of our fellows. A pure heart gives a single eye and a straight aim.

The poor in spirit avoid avarice and the seeking after possessions; the meek and the peacemakers judge not, because meekness banishes pride.

Purity of heart makes us try to become worthy of the Holy Eucharist, and prevents our receiving this heavenly bread as if we were dogs.

Once more, when we hunger and thirst after justice we ask — we seek — we knock; for we beg of God to give us the only true goods, and expect them from Him, when we aspire to the Kingdom of Heaven, the Land of the Living, and to nothing else.

Those who count themselves happy at being allowed to suffer poverty, grief, and misfortune for ‘justice sake’ willingly enter in by the