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drinks of this water ’ — that is, of earthly pleasures — ‘ shall thirst again; but he who drinks the water that I will give him shall never thirst; for the water that I will give him shall become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.’ [1] He is, then, never to thirst again? In one sense, certainly, never: — for he will never again wish for any pleasure, any joy, any good, except what he possesses in Jesus Christ. Yet in another sense he will always thirst; for he will never cease to desire this supreme good itself, and will long to possess it more and more completely. Thus, then, his thirst will be everlasting: — but so also will be the quenching of his thirst, as he will have that ever-springing fountain within him. He will not suffer the painful and exhausting thirst of those who seek the pleasures of the senses. He will continually thirst for justice; but with his lips always held to the source of life that he owns, this thirst can never weary or weaken him. ‘If any man thirst,’ cries the Son of God, ‘let him come to me and drink. He that believeth in me... out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.’ [2] Come, then, ye holy souls — come to Jesus! Desire — drink

  1. John iv. 13, 14.
  2. Ibid. vii. 37, 38.