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which He Himself has worked in us; and our illuminated sight beholds Him shining within our souls and lighting them up with an everlasting radiance. 'Blessed,' therefore, ' are the clean of heart, for they shall see God.' [1]

Let us love chastity above all other virtues, for it is she who makes the heart pure. In every object that attracts our love let us see a danger of sullying our hearts, or of plunging them deeper in the very mire whence we should make every effort to snatch them.

'Blessed is the pure in heart, for he shall see God.’ The last two words alone are enough for the soul to feed upon for a whole day. 'He shall see God ’: — that is, he shall behold all charity, all beauty, all perfection; goodness itself — the source of all goodness — all goodness in one, as He Himself has declared. 'I will show thee all good,’ [2] He said to Moses, when He talked with him in the tabernacle. To see so perfect an object, and to love it, are one and the same thing. The man who is pure in heart, then, will behold and love; but he will also be loved; he will sing the praises of God whom he is to see and love for ever. He will be filled with the abundance of his dwelling-place, and intoxicated

  1. Matt. v. 8.
  2. Exod. xxxiii. 19.