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nigh'; [1] and ‘ making peace through the blood of his cross, both as to the things on earth and the things that are in heaven,’ [2] as St Paul says.

After the example of this only Son, the children of adoption must take on them the character of their Father, and show themselves true sons of God by their love of peace.

This grace of being children of God will have its perfect fulfilment in heaven, according to our Lord’s saying that they ' are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection,’ — that is, born anew by the resurrection. [3]

Let us then be truly peace-makers; let us always have on our lips words of forgiveness and peace to soften the bitterness that our brethren may display towards ourselves or towards others. Let us even do our best to bring together those who are on bad terms; to prevent enmities, coolnesses, indifference; in short, to reconcile all who are divided. This is to do the work of God, and to show ourselves His children by imitating His goodness.

How far from this spirit are people who like to fall out with each other; who, when their neighbours are already disturbed and weakened with angry feeling, add to their irritation by

  1. Ephes. ii. 14-17.
  2. Coloss. i. 20.
  3. Luke xx. 36.