Page:Sermons for all the Sundays in the year.djvu/309

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To this may be added another celebrated passage of St. Augustine: ” By our faith, which teaches that God does not command impossibilities, we are admonished what to do in things that are easy, and what to ask in things that are difficult." (Lib. de Nat. et Grat., cap. lxix., n. 83.)

7. But why does God, who knows our weakness, permit us to be assailed by enemies which we are not able to resist? The Lord, answers the holy doctor, seeing the great advantages which we derive from the necessity of prayer, permits us to be attacked by enemies more powerful than we are, that we may ask his assistance. Hence they who are conquered cannot excuse themselves by saying that they had not strength to resist the assault of the enemy; for had they asked aid from God, he should have given it; and had they prayed, they should have been victorious. Therefore, if they are defeated, God will punish them. St. Bonaventure says, that if a general lose a fortress in consequence of not having sought timely succour from his sovereign, he shall be branded as a traitor. ” Reputaretur infidelis, nisi expectaret a rege auxilium." (S. Bon. Difet. tit, c. v.) Thus God regards as a traitor the Christian who, when he finds himself assailed by temptations, neglects to seek the divine aid. ” Ask," says Jesus Christ, ” and you shall receive." Then, concludes St. Teresa, he that does not ask does not receive. This is conformable to the doctrine of St. James: ” You have not, because you do not ask." (St. James iv. 2.) St. Chrysostom says, that prayer is a powerful weapon of defence against all enemies. ” Truly prayer is a great armour." (Hom, xli., ad Pop.) St. Ephrem writes, that he who fortifies himself beforehand by prayer, prevents the entrance of sin into the soul. "If you pray before you work, the passage into the soul will not be open to sin." (Serm. de Orat.) David said the same: "Praising I will call upon the Lord, and I shall be saved from my enemies." (Ps. xvii. 4.)

8. If we wish to lead a good life, and to save our souls, we must learn to pray. ” He," says St. Augustine, ” knows how to live well who knows how to pray well." (Hom, xliii.) In order to obtain God’s graces by