Page:Sermons for all the Sundays in the year.djvu/378

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fire. ” (Matt. xxv. 41.) “Depart from me." This command constitutes the hell of the damned. Begone from me; you shall be no longer mine, and I shall be no longer yours. ” You are not my people, and I will not be yours." (Osee i. 9.) At present this punishment is, as St. Augustine says, dreaded only by the saints. ” Hæc amantibus non contemnentibus pœna est." It is a punishment which affrights the soul that loves God more than all the torments of hell; but it does not terrify sinners, who are immersed in the darkness of sin. But at death they shall, for their greater chastisement, understand the infinite good which they have lost through their own fault.

5. It is necessary to know that men have been created for God, and that nature draws them to love him. In this life, the darkness of sin, and the earthly affections which reign in their hearts, stifle their natural tendency and inclination to a union with God, their sovereign good; and therefore the thought of being separated from him does not produce much pain. But when the soul leaves the body, and is freed from the senses, which keeps her in darkness, she then clearly sees that she has been created for God, and that he is the only good which can make her happy. ” But," says St. Antonine, ” the soul separated from the body understands that God is her sovereign good, and that she has been created for him." Hence, as soon as she is loosed from the bondage of the body, she rushes forward to embrace her supreme good: but because she is in sin, and his enemy, God will cast her off. Though driven back and chased away, she retains her invincible tendency and inclination to a union with God; and her hell shall consist in seeing herself always drawn to God, and always banished from him.

6. If a dog see a hare, what effort does he not make to break his chain and seize his prey! Thus, at her separation from the body, the natural inclinations of the soul draw her to God, while at the same time sin separates her from him, and drags her with it into hell. Sin, says the prophet, like a wall of immense thickness, is placed between the soul and God, and separates her from him. ” But your iniquities have