Page:Sermons for all the Sundays in the year.djvu/421

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tantem iniquitatem sicut blasphemia." St. Chrysostom says, that ” there is no sin worse than blasphemy; for in it is the accumulation of all evils, and every punishment." St. Jerome teaches the same doctrine. ” Nothing," says the holy doctor, ” is more horrible than blasphemy; for every sin, compared with blasphemy, is small." (In Isa. cxviii.) And here it is necessary to observe, that blasphemies against the saints, against holy things or holidays such as the sacraments, the Mass, Easter Sunday, Christmas Day, Holy Saturday are of the same species as blasphemies against God; for St. Thomas teaches, that, as the honour paid to the saints, to holy things, and holidays, is referred to God, so an insult offered to the saints is injurious to God, who is the foundation of sanctity. ” Sicut Deus, in sanctis suis laudatur," as we read in the 150th Psalm, "laudate Dominum in sanctis ejus, ita et blasphemia in sanctos in Deum redundat." (S. Thorn, qu. 13, a 1 3, a 1, ad 2.) The saint adds, that blasphemy is one of the greatest of the sins against religion. (Ibid. a. 3.)

4. Thus, from the works of St. Jerome we may infer, that blasphemy is more grievous than theft, than adultery, or murder. All other sins, says St. Bernardine proceeds from frailty or ignorance; but the sin of blasphemy proceeds from malice. ” Omnia alia peccata vindentur procedere partim ex fragilitate, partim ex ignorantia, sed peccatum blasphemia procedit ex propria malitia." (Cic. serm. xxx.) For it proceeds from a bad will, and from a certain hatred conceived against God. Hence the blasphemer renders himself like the damned, who, as St. Thomas says, do not now blaspheme with the mouth for they have no body, but with the heart, cursing the divine justice which punishes them. ” The detestation of the divine justice is in them an interior blasphemy of the heart." (S. Thom. 2, 2, qu. 13, a. 4.) The saint adds, that we may believe that as the saints in heaven, after the resurrection shall praise God with the tongue, so the reprobates in hell shall also blaspheme him with the tongue. ” Et credibile est quod post resurrectionem erit in eis etiam vocalis blasphemiæ sicut in sanctis vocalis laus Dei." Justly, then, has a learned author called blasphemy the language of