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The Coming and the Cruelty of Antichrist.

so powerful in the eyes of the world, shall in the presence of Christians, as St. Hippolytus says, cleanse lepers, heal the paralytic, free those possessed by the devil, and even apparently raise the dead to life, and when all these cured by him shall adore him as the true God! How will it be when he commands the su n in the heavens to stand still, and it will obey his command? when he calls forth storms from the sea, and quiets them again? when, as Lactantius says, he shall cause dumb beasts, infant children, nay, even lifeless images to cry out that all that Jesus Christ has taught is false, that He is not the Son of God, but a traitor, who is damned forever? when he shall call down fire from heaven to consume those who oppose him, as the Prophet Elias did in former times; or to burn sacrifices in his honor, or to give his disciples fiery tongues, so that they can speak all languages, as was the case with the Apostles when they received the Holy Ghost in the form of fiery tongues? How will it be when, according to the testimony of Albert the Great, he shall appear to die and to come to life again in three days, and afterwards .be carried by the demons heavenwards in the air? How will it be when legions of those demons disguised as angels of light shall assist and serve him in visible form, and sing hymns of praise in his honor, as if he were the true God and promised Saviour of the world?

After working such fearful wo, he shall be cast down into hell. “Alas!” exclaims St. Gregory, imagining what those terrible times must be, “what a severe temptation that shall be for the human mind!”[1] And in fact it will be so great that, if possible, the elect would be deceived by it, as Our Lord says: “Insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect.”[2] Thus shall Antichrist draw to his side almost all the world: the wicked and tepid by riches, honors, and pleasures; the pious and God-fearing by the intolerable torments he will inflict on them; the simple and incautious by the wonderful signs and prodigies he shall perform. “And unless those days had been shortened, no flesh should be saved.”[3] Three years and a half shall his reign last, after which this cruel man shall raise himself up in the air from Mount Olivet towards heaven, and there, as some say, Our Lord shall strike him with lightning, or, as others maintain, shall by his mere voice hurl him down to earth and thence body and soul into the abyss of hell. “And then,” says St. Paul, “that wicked one shall be revealed,

  1. Quæ erithumanæ mentis illa tentatio!—S. Greg. L. 32. Moral. c. 13.
  2. Ita ut in errorem inducantur (si fieri potest) etiam electi.—Matt. xxiv. 24.
  3. Et nisi breviati fuissent dies illi, non fieret salva omnis caro.—Ibid. 22.