Page:Seven Years in South Africa v1.djvu/443

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From Shoshong back to the Diamond Fields.

lives of many of the people, but he was the means of causing a division of the tribe, which resulted in the migration of the Makalakas. Under the rule of Khame, Sekhomo’s son, decidedly the most enlightened of the Bechuana princes, the town is manifestly reviving, and if during the next few years it Should remain free from hostilities on the

Aprons worn by Bamangwato women.
Aprons worn by Bamangwato women.


part of the Matabele Zulus, it may be expected to rise again into its old pre-eminence amongst Bechuana towns. For white men, traders, hunters, and explorers alike, it is and always must be a place of the utmost importance, and that for the following reason: there are three great highways that lead into the four southernmost Bech-


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