the form of Reeognition, and in the end it was passed by an evasion for which Warham must answer. He proposed the form suggested by Lord Rochford, and, in putting it to the vote, added, 'qui tacet consentire videtur.' The clergy by an anticipation of Jesuitic subterfuge, and by a practical Irish bull, cried out, 'Itaque tacemus omnes.' By this levity the great act was consummated, which was to be the fulcrum for the whole ecclesiastical policy of the future; the Recognition was understood to be passed unanimously.
But not even here were matters completely arranged; the king now haggled about the præmunire; the clergy threatened to withdraw their promise to pay unless this mysterious monster were defined as well as remitted. It ended however as I have said; the clergy voted the money and the king promised the pardon. But the pardon must be secured by the confirmation of parliament; and, when the bill came before the Commons they soon saw that it did not comprise the laity, and refused to pass it. The king's agents urged that this opposition would damage the clergy and not benefit the Commons; that the king could not be compelled to pardon, and that, without their consent, he could pass the pardon under the great seal. The Speaker and a committee attended the king, and, getting no other answer, went away sorrowing and declaring that Cromwell had betrayed their proceedings to Henry. Then there was some bitter talking about the exactions and the remittal of the loan; but at last the king issued the pardon, and the Commons, knowing that something would be taken for the boon, sulkily accepted it.
The next day the chancellor laid before them the documents touching the divorce, and the Commons were enlightened by speeches on the subject from the Bishops of London and Bath. But they remained sulky; whether it was that the king was not prepared to go further, or that the attitude of parliament, still faithful to the queen and indisposed to quarrel with the Pope, dismayed him, there the matter stayed, and the Commons were ordered to carry down to their constituencies the information laid before them. So the session ended, and the convocation, which had engaged on the reform of grammar