Page:Seventy-Five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats.djvu/112

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Stir together till very light, half a pound of fresh butter and half a pound of powdered white sugar. Beat twelve eggs very light, and stir them into the butter and sugar, alternately with a pound of sifted flour. Add a beaten nutmeg, and half a wine-glass of rose-water. Have ready a flat circular plate of tin, which must be laid on your griddle, or in the oven of your stove, and well greased with butter. pour on it a large ladle-full of the batter, and bake it as you would a buck-wheat cake, taking care to have it of a good shape. It will not require turning. Bake as many of these cakes as you want, laying each on a separate plate. Then spread jelly or marmalade all over the top of each cake, and lay another upon it. Spread that also with jelly, and so on till you have a pile of five or six, looking like one large thick cake. Trim the edge nicely with a penknife, and cover the top with powdered sugar. Or you may ice it; putting on the nonpareils or sugar-sand in such a manner as to mark out the cake in triangular divisions. When it is to be eaten, cut it in three-cornered slices as you would a pie.

To make a red colouring for icing. Take twenty grains of cochineal powder, twenty grains of cream of tartar, and twenty grains of powdered alum. Put them into a gill of cold soft water, and boil it very slowly till reduced to one half. Strain it through thin muslin, and cork it up for use. A very small quantity of this mixture will colour icing on a beautiful pink. With pink icing, white nonpareils should be used.