Page:Seventy-Five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats.djvu/49

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Early next morning, put the jelly into a tin kettle, or covered tin pan; set it on the fire, and melt it a little. Take it off, and season it with the cinnamon slightly broken, a pint of madeira wine, three lemons, cut in thin slices, and half a pound of loaf-sugar, broken up.

If you wish it high-coloured, add two table-spoonfuls of French brandy. Mix all well together. Beat, slightly, the whites of six eggs (saving the egg-shell) and stir the whites into the jelly. Break up the egg-shells into very small pieces, and throw them in also. Stir the whole very well together.

Set it on the fire, and boil it hard five minutes, but do not stir it, as that will prevent its clearing. Have ready a large white flannel bag, the top wide, and the bottom tapering to a point.

Tie the bag to the backs of two chairs, or to the legs of a table, and set a white dish or a mould under it.

After the jelly has boiled five minutes, pour it hot into the bag, and let it drop through into the dish. Do not squeeze the bag, as that will make the jelly dull and cloudy.

If it is not clear the first time it passes through the bag, empty out all the ingredients, wash the bag, empty out all the ingredients, wash the bag, suspend it again, put another white dish under it, pour the jelly back into the bag, and let it drip through again. Repeat this six or eight times, or till it is clear, putting a clean dish under it every time. If it does not drip freely, move the bag into a warmer place.

When the jelly has all dripped through the bag, and is clear, set it in a cool place to congeal. It will sometimes congeal immediately, and sometimes not for several hours, particularly if the weather is