Page:Seventy-Five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats.djvu/72

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Two pounds of sifted flour, setting aside half a pound to sprinkle in at the last.
One pound of fresh butter.
One pound of powdered sugar.
Four eggs.
One pound of raisins, stoned and cut in half.
One pound of currants, washed and dried.
Half a pint of milk.
A glass of wine.
A glass of brandy.
A table-spoonful of mixed spice, mace, nutmeg, and cinnamon.
Half a pint of the best brewer's yeast; or more, if the yeast is not very strong.

Cut up the butter in the milk, and warm it till the butte is quite soft; then stir it together, and set it away to cool. It must not be made too warm. After you have beaten the eggs, mix them with the butter and milk, and stir the whole into the pan of flour. Add the spice and liquor, and stir in the sugar gradually. Having poured off the thin part from the top, stir the yeast, and pour it into the mixture. Then sprinkle in the remainder of the flour.

Have ready the fruit, which must be well floured, stir it gradually into the mixture. Butter a large tin pan, and put the cake into it. Cover it, and set it in a warm place for five or six hours to rise. When quite light, bake it in a moderate oven.


Three pounds of flour, sifted.
One pound of butter.
A pound and a half of powdered sugar.
Half a pint of milk.
Two table-spoonful of pearl-ash, dissolved in water.
Four table-spoonfuls of carraway seeds.

Cut the butter into the flour. Add the sugar and carraway seeds. Pour in the brandy, and