Page:Seventy-Five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats.djvu/81

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add the spice. Stir in, gradually, the remainder of the flour, so that it becomes a thick batter.

Heat your waffle-iron; then grease it well, and pour in some of the batter. Shut the iron tight, and bake the waffle on both sides, by turning the iron.

As the waffles are baked, spread them out separately on a clean napkin. When enough are done for a plate-full, lay them on a plate in two piles, buttering them, and sprinkling each with beaten cinnamon.


Five eggs.
A quart of milk.
Two ounces of butter.
A tea-spoonful of salt.
Two large table spoonfuls of brewer's yeast, or four of home-made yeast.
Enough of sifted flour to make a stiff a batter.

Warm the milk and butter together, and add to them the salt. Beat the eggs very light, and stir them into the milk and butter. then stir in the yeast, and lastly, sufficient flour to make a thick batter.

Cover the mixture, and set it to rise, in a warm place, about three hours.

When you split them to put on the butter, do not cut them with a knife, but pull them open with your hands. Cutting them while hot will make them heavy.