Page:Seventy-Five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats.djvu/83

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Two pounds of flour, sifted.
Four eggs.
Three table-spoonfuls of the best brewer's yeast, or four and a half of home-made yeast.
A pint of milk.

Mix a tea-spoonful of salt with the flour, and set the pan before the fire. Then warm the milk and stir into it the flour, so as to make a stiff batter. Beat the eggs very light, and stir them into the yeast. Add the eggs and yeast to the batter, and beat all well together. If it is too stiff, add a little more warm milk.

Cover the pan closely, and set it to rise near the fire. Bake it, when quite light.

Have your baking-iron hot. Grease it, and pour on a ladle-full of batter. Let it bake slowly, and when done on one side, turn it on the other.

Butter the cakes, cut them across, and send them to table hot.


Three pints of flour, sifted.
Two tea-spoonful of salt.
Four table-spoonfuls of the best brewer's yeast, or six home-made yeast.
A pint of luke-warm water.
Half a pint more of warm water, and a little more flour to mix in before the kneading.

Mix the salt with the flour, and make a deep hole in the middle. Stir the warm water into the yeast, and pour it into the hole in the flour. Stir it with