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The researches of Dr. Bemis, of Kentucky, are full of interest. He has shown that 10 per cent of the deaf-mutes, 5 per cent of the blind, and about 15 per cent of the idiots, placed in the different estab- lishments of the United States are the issue of mar- riages between first cousins. Of seven hundred and fifty- seven marriages between first cousins, two hundred and fifty-six produced deaf-mutes, blind, and idiots. Of four hundred and eighty-three other marriages of first cousins, one hundred and fifty-one had sickly children, and many were sterile. In several States — Kentucky included — laws have been adopted forbidding intermarriage of cousins- german. M. Briere relates that in a village of the dis- trict of Yverdun, in Switzerland, two brothers married two sisters, their cousins-german. Both were peasants, in easy circumstances, and of good health, with no bad ante- cedents in either of the families. One of them had five children, the other two. These seven children are all per- fect Albinos, with complete discoloration of the skin, soft flesh, white, silvery, fine hair. Their eyelids are agitated with incessant winking, and their eyes are of a deep pink, nearly red. These children, the eldest of whom was twenty years old present, it will be observed, the most complete characteristics of Albinism. Three of the chil- dren of the first brother died, one of a fall, the two others of diseases, the nature of which is not known. One of the two children of the second brother is also dead. The father of the five children having lost his wife, married another, to whom he was not related, and by whom he has had four children, all in excellent health, and presenting no trace of Albinism. This example is most conclusive, for nothing is wanting, not even the counter-proof. We cannot dwell longer upon this subject, at the same time