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he is harrowed hy a feeling of anxiety and the fear that the case may not terminate well.

Arrangement of Dress.

Before the commencement of the second stage, the patient's dress should be so adjusted that it need not be soiled. Her dress or gown should be folded up around her waist, and the bandage to be used after delivery pinned around it. This will secure the dress, and, at the same time, leave the bandage ready to be brought down, without moving the patient after delivery. Below this may be put a flannel skirt, or a small sheet folded, which will cover the patient, and protect the clothing above.

This simple precaution will prevent the necessity of changing her linen after delivery; a process which may be dangerous, in proportion to the condition of the patient.


The Birth. The mouth of the womb having dilated dur- ing the first stage, and the child being now bearing down upon the soft parts of the mother, the patient has a strong desire to make expulsive efforts. This should now ie en- couraged. When she feels a pain coming on, she should draw a long inspiration, and then, holding her breath, bear down with all her strength. Eestrain her from making ex- clamations during the pains, and urge her not to relinquish the downward pressure she ought to exert. If she com- plains of her back, press gently with your hand against it.

During these pains, she may become very much excited, and even talk incoherently. Ee-assure her, by telling her that she is now near the end of her troubles. Encourage her to rest between her pains, and maintain her position on her left side.