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Much adoe about Nothing.

Actus primus, Scena prima.

Enter Leonato Gouernour of Messina, Innogen his wife, Hero his daughter, and Beatrice his Neece, with a messenger.

I learne in this Letter, that Don Peter of Arragon, comes this night to Messina.

He is very neere by this: he was not three Leagues off when I left him.

How many Gentlemen haue you lost in this action?

But few of any sort, and none of name.

A victorie is twice it selfe, when the atchieuer brings home full numbers: I finde heere, that Don Peter hath bestowed much honor on a yong Florentine, called Claudio.

Much deseru'd on his part, and equally remembred by Don Pedro, he hath borne himselfe beyond the promise of his age, doing in the figure of a Lambe, the feats of a Lion, he hath indeede better bettred expectation, then you must expect of me to tell you how.

He hath an Vnckle heere in Messina, wil be very much glad of it.

I haue alreadie deliuered him letters, and there appeares much ioy in him, euen so much, that ioy could not shew it selfe modest enough, without a badg of bitternesse.

Did he breake out into teares?

In great measure.

A kinde ouerflow of kindnesse, there are no faces truer, then those that are so wash'd, how much better is it to weepe at ioy, then to ioy at weeping?

I pray you, is Signior Mountanto return'd from the warres, or no?

I know none of that name, Lady, there was none such in the armie of any sort.

What is he that you aske for Neece?

My cousin meanes Signior Benedick of Padua

O he's return'd, and as pleasant as euer he was.

He set vp his bils here in Messina, & challeng'd Cupid at the Flight: and my Vnckles foole reading the Challenge, subscrib'd for Cupid, and challeng'd him at the Burbolt. I pray you, how many hath hee kil'd and eaten in these warres? But how many hath he kil'd? for indeed, I promis'd to eate all of his killing.

'Faith Neece, you taxe Signior Benedicke too much, but hee'l be meete with you, I doubt it not.

He hath done good seruice Lady in these wars.

You had musty victuall, and he hath holpe to ease it: he's a very valiant Trencher-man, hee hath an excellent stomacke.

And a good souldier too Lady.

And a good souldier to a Lady. But what is he to a Lord?

A Lord to a Lord, a man to a man, stuft with all honourable vertues.

It is so indeed, he is no lesse then a stuft man: but for the stuffing well, we are all mortall.

You must not (sir) mistake my Neece, there is a kind of merry war betwixt Signior Benedick, & her: they neuer meet, but there's a skirmish of wit between them.

Alas, he gets nothing by that. In our last conflict, foure of his fiue wits went halting off, and now is the whole man gouern'd with one: so that if hee haue wit enough to keepe himselfe warme, let him beare it for a difference betweene himselfe and his horse: For it is all the wealth that he hath left, to be knowne a reasonable creature. Who is his companion now? He hath euery month a new sworne brother.

Is't possible?

Very easily possible: he weares his faith but as the fashion of his hat, it euer changes with the next block.

I see (Lady) the Gentleman is not in your bookes.

No, and he were, I would burne my study. But I pray you, who is his companion? Is there no young squarer now, that will make a voyage with him to the diuell?

He is most in the company of the right noble Claudio.

O Lord, he will hang vpon him like a disease: he is sooner caught then the pestilence, and the taker runs presently mad. God helpe the noble Claudio, if hee haue caught the Benedict, it will cost him a thousand pound ere he be cur'd.

I will hold friends with you Lady.

Do good friend.

You'l ne're run mad Neece.

No, not till a hot Ianuary.

Don Pedro is approach'd.

Enter don Pedro, Claudio, Benedicke, Balthasar, and Iohn the bastard.

Good Signior Leonato, you are come to meet your trouble: the fashion of the world is to auoid cost, and you encounter it.

Neuer came trouble to my house in the likenes of your Grace: for trouble being gone, comfort should remaine: but when you depart from me, sorrow abides, and happinesse takes his leaue.
