Page:Shakespeare - First Folio Faithfully Reproduced, Methuen, 1910.djvu/199

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The Merchant of Venice.

I would it might proue the end of his losses.

Let me say Amen betimes, least the diuell crosse my praier, for here he comes in the likenes of a Iew. How now Shylocke, what newes among the Merchants?

Enter Shylocke.


You knew none so well, none so well as you, of my daughters flight.

That's certaine, I for my part knew the Tailor that made the wings she flew withall.

And Shylocke for his owne part knew the bird was fledg'd, and then it is the complexion of them al to leaue the dam.

She is damn'd for it.

That's certaine, if the diuell may be her Iudge.

My owne flesh and blood to rebell.

Out vpon it old carrion, rebels it at these yeeres.

I say my daughter is my flesh and bloud.

There is more difference betweene thy flesh and hers, then betweene Iet and Iuorie, more betweene your bloods, then there is betweene red wine and rennish: but tell vs, doe you heare whether Anthonio haue had anie losse at sea or no?

There I haue another bad match, a bankrout, a prodigall, who dare scarce shew his head on the Ryalto, a begger that was vsd to come so smug vpon the Mart: let him look to his bond, he was wont to call me Vsurer, let him looke to his bond, he was wont to lend money for a Christian curtsie, let him looke to his bond.

Why I am sure if he forfaite, thou wilt not take his flesh, what's that good for?

To baite fish withall, if it will feede nothing else, it will feede my reuenge; he hath disgrac'd me, and hindred me halfe a million, laught at my losses, mockt at my gaines, scorned my Nation, thwarted my bargaines, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies, and what's the reason? I am a Iewe: Hath not a Iew eyes? hath not a Iew hands, organs, dementions, sences, affections, passions, fed with the same foode, hurt with the same weapons, subiect to the same diseases, healed by the same meanes, warmed and cooled by the same Winter and Sommer as a Christian is: if you pricke vs doe we not bleede? if you tickle vs, doe we not laugh? if you poison vs doe we not die? and if you wrong vs shall we not reuenge? if we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Iew wrong a Christian, what is his humility, reuenge? If a Christian wrong a Iew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example, why reuenge? The villanie you teach me I will execute, and it shall goe hard but I will better the instruction.

Enter a man from Anthonio.

Gentlemen, my maister Anthonio is at his house, and desires to speake with you both.

We haue beene vp and downe to seeke him.

Enter Tuball.

Here comes another of the Tribe, a third cannot be matcht, vnlesse the diuell himselfe turne Iew. Exeunt Gentlemen.

How now Tuball, what newes from Genowa? hast thou found my daughter?

I often came where I did heare of her, but cannot finde her.

Why there, there, there, there, a diamond gone cost me two thousand ducats in Franckford, the curse neuer fell vpon our Nation till now, I neuer felt it till now, two thousand ducats in that, and other precious, precious iewels: I would my daughter were dead at my foot, and the iewels in her eare: would she were hearst at my foote, and the duckets in her coffin: no newes of them, why so? and I know not how much is spent in the search: why thou losse vpon losse, the theefe gone with so much, and so much to finde the theefe, and no satisfaction, no reuenge, nor no ill luck stirring but what lights a my shoulders, no sighes but a my breathing, no teares but a my shedding.

Yes, other men haue ill lucke too, Anthonio as I heard in Genowa?

What, what, what, ill lucke, ill lucke.

Hath an Argosie cast away comming from Tripolis.

I thanke God, I thanke God, is it true, is it true?

I spoke with some of the Saylers that escaped the wracke.

I thanke thee good Tuball, good newes, good newes: ha, ha, here in Genowa.

Your daughter spent in Genowa, as I heard, one night fourescore ducats.

Thou stick'st a dagger in me, I shall neuer see my gold againe, fourescore ducats at a sitting, fourescore ducats.

There came diuers of Anthonios creditors in my company to Venice, that sweare hee cannot choose but breake.

I am very glad of it, ile plague him, ile torture him, I am glad of it.

One of them shewed me a ring that hee had of your daughter for a Monkie.

Out vpon her, thou torturest me Tuball, it was my Turkies, I had it of Leah when I was a Batcheler: I would not haue giuen it for a wildernesse of Monkies.

But Anthonio is certainely vndone.

Nay, that's true, that's very true, goe Tuball, see me an Officer, bespeake him a fortnight before, I will haue the heart of him if he forfeit, for were he out of Venice, I can make what merchandize I will: goe Tuball, and meete me at our Sinagogue, goe good Tuball, at our Sinagogue Tuball. Exeunt.

Enter Bassanio, Portia, Gratiano, and all their traine.


I pray you tarrie, pause a day or two
Before you hazard, for in choosing wrong
I loose your companie; therefore forbeare a while,
There's something tels me (but it is not loue)
I would not loose you, and you know your selfe,
Hate counsailes not in such a quallitie;
But least you should not vnderstand me well,
And yet a maiden hath no tongue, but thought,
I would detaine you here some month or two
Before you venture for me. I could teach you
How to choose right, but then I am forsworne,
So will I neuer be, so may you misse me,
But if you doe, youle make me wish a sinne,
That I had beene forsworne: Beshrow your eyes,
They haue ore-lookt me and deuided me,
One halfe of me is yours, the other halfe yours,
Mine owne I would say: but of mine then yours,
And so all yours; O these naughtie times
Puts bars betweene the owners and their rights.
And so though yours, not yours (proue it so)
Let Fortune goe to hell for it, not I.
I speake too long, but 'tis to peize the time,
To ich it, and to draw it out in length,
To stay you from election.

Bass. Let