Page:Shakespeare - First Folio Faithfully Reproduced, Methuen, 1910.djvu/238

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The Taming of the Shrew.

Because she will not be annoy'd with suters.

Ah Tranio, what a cruell Fathers he:
But art thou not aduis'd, he tooke some care
To get her cunning Schoolemasters to instruct her.

I marry am I sir, and now 'tis plotted.

I haue it Tranio.

Master, for my hand,
Both our inuentions meet and iumpe in one.

Tell me thine first.

You will be schoole-master,
And vndertake the teaching of the maid:
That's your deuice.

It is: May it be done?

Not possible: for who shall beare your part,
And be in Padua heere Vincentio's sonne,
Keepe house, and ply his booke, welcome his friends,
Visit his Countrimen, and banquet them?

Basta, content thee: for I haue it full.
We haue not yet bin seene in any house,
Nor can we be distinguish'd by our faces,
For man or master: then it followes thus;
Thou shalt be master, Tranio in my sted:
Keepe house, and port, and seruants, as I should,
I will some other be, some Florentine,
Some Neapolitan, or meaner man of Pisa.
'Tis hatch'd, and shall be so: Tranio at once
Vncase thee: take my Coulord hat and cloake,
When Biondello comes, he waites on thee,
But I will charme him first to keepe his tongue.

So had you neede:
In breefe Sir, sith it your pleasure is,
And I am tyed to be obedient,
For so your father charg'd me at our parting:
Be seruiceable to my sonne (quoth he)
Although I thinke 'twas in another sense,
I am content to bee Lucentio,
Because so well I loue Lucentio.

Tranio be so, because Lucentio loues,
And let me be a slaue, t' atchieue that maide,
Whose sodaine sight hath thral'd my wounded eye.
Enter Biondello.
Heere comes the rogue. Sirra, where haue you bin?

Where haue I beene? Nay how now, where are you?
Maister, ha's my fellow Tranio stolne your cloathes,
or you stolne his, or both? Pray what's the newes?

Sirra come hither, 'tis no time to iest,
And therefore frame your manners to the time
Your fellow Tranio heere to saue my life,
Puts my apparrell, and my count'nance on,
And I for my escape haue put on his:
For in a quarrell since I came a-shore,
I kil'd a man, and feare I was descried:
Waite you on him, I charge you, as becomes:
While I make way from hence to saue my life:
You vnderstand me?

I sir, ne're a whit.

And not a iot of Tranio in your mouth,
Tranio is chang'd into Lucentio.

The better for him, would I were so too.

So could I 'faith boy, to haue the next wish after,
that Lucentio indeede had Baptistas yongest
daughter. But sirra, not for my sake, but your masters, I
aduise you vse your manners discreetly in all kind of
companies: When I am alone, why then I am Tranio: but in
all places else, your master Lucentio.

Tranio let's go:
One thing more rests, that thy selfe execute,
To make one among these wooers: if thou ask me why,
Sufficeth my reasons are both good and waighty.
Exeunt. The Presenters aboue speakes. 

My Lord you nod, you do not minde the play.

Yes by Saint Anne do I, a good matter surely:
Comes there any more of it?

My Lord, 'tis but begun.

'Tis a verie excellent peece of worke, Madame
They sit and marke.Ladie: would 'twere done.

Enter Petruchio, and his man Grumio.

Verona, for a while I take my leaue,
To see my friends in Padua; but of all
My best beloued and approued friend
Hortensio: & I trow this is his house:
Heere sirra Grumio, knocke I say.

Knocke sir? whom should I knocke? Is there
any man ha's rebus'd your worship?

Villaine I say, knocke me heere soundly.

Knocke you heere sir? Why sir, what am I sir,
that I should knocke you heere sir.

Villaine I say, knocke me at this gate,
And rap me well, or Ile knocke your knaues pate.

My Mr is growne quarrelsome:
I should knocke you first,
And then I know after who comes by the worst.

Will it not be?
'Faith sirrah, and you'l not knocke, Ile ring it,
Ile trie how you can Sol, Fa, and sing it.
He rings him by the eares 

Helpe mistris helpe, my master is mad.

Now knocke when I bid you: sirrah villaine.

Enter Hortensio.

How now, what's the matter? My olde friend
Grumio, and my good friend Petruchio? How do you all
at Verona?

Signior Hortensio, come you to part the fray?
Contutti le core bene trobatto, may I say.

Alla nostra casa bene venuto multo honorata
signior mio Petruchio.
Rise Grumio rise, we will compound this quarrell.

Nay 'tis no matter sir, what he leges in Lstine.
If this be not a lawfull cause for me to leaue his seruice,
looke you sir: He bid me knocke him, & rap him soundly
sir. Well, was it fit for a seruant to vse his master so,
being perhaps (for ought I see) two and thirty, a peepe
out? Whom would to God I had well knockt at first,
then had not Grumio come by the worst.

A sencelesse villaine: good Hortensio,
I bad the rascall knocke vpon your gate,
And could not get him for my heart to do it.

Knocke at the gate? O heauens: spake you not
these words plaine? Sirra, Knocke me heere: rappe me
heere: knocke me well, and knocke me soundly? And
come you now with knocking at the gate?

Sirra be gone, or talke not I aduise you.

Petruchio patience, I am Grumio's pledge:
Why this a heauie chance twixt him and you,
Your ancient trustie pleasant seruant Grumio:
And tell me now (sweet friend) what happie gale
Blowes you to Padua heere, from old Verona?

Such wind as scatters yongmen throgh ye world,
