Page:Shakespeare - First Folio Faithfully Reproduced, Methuen, 1910.djvu/259

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All's Well that Ends Well.

of the rich are damn'd, but if I may haue your Ladiships
good will to goe to the world, Isbell the woman and w
will doe as we may.

Wilt thou needes be a begger?

I doe beg your good will in this case.

In what case?

In Isbels case and mine owne: seruice is no heritage,
and I thinke I shall neuer haue the blessing of God,
till I haue issue a my bodie: for they say barnes are blessings.

Tell me thy reason why thou wilt marrie?

My poore bodie Madam requires it, I am driuen
on by the flesh, and hee must needes goe that the diuell

Is this all your worships reason?

Faith Madam I haue other holie reasons, such as
they are.

May the world know them?

I haue beene Madam a wicked creature, as you
and all flesh and blood are, and indeede I doe marrie that
I may repent.

Thy marriage sooner then thy wickednesse.

I am out a friends Madam, and I hope to haue
friends for my wiues sake.

Such friends are thine enemies knaue.

Y'are shallow Madam in great friends, for the
knaues come to doe that for me which I am a wearie of:
he that eres my Land, spares my teame, and giues mee
leaue to Inne the crop: if I be his cuckold hee's my
drudge; he that comforts my wife, is the cherisher of
my flesh and blood; hee that cherishes my flesh and
blood, loues my flesh and blood; he that loues my flesh
and blood is my friend: ergo, he that kisses my wife is my
friend: if men could be contented to be what they are,
there were no feare in marriage, for yong Charbon the
Puritan, and old Poysam the Papist, how somere their
hearts are seuer'd in Religion, their heads are both one,
they may ioule horns together like any Deare i'th Herd.

Wilt thou euer be a foule mouth'd and calumnious knaue?

A Prophet I Madam, and I speake the truth the
next waie, for I the Ballad will repeate, which men full
true shall finde, your marriage comes by destinie, your
Cuckow sings by kinde.

Get you gone sir, Ile talke with you more anon.

May it please you Madam, that hee bid Hellen
come to you, of her I am to speake.

Sirra tell my gentlewoman I would speake with
her, Hellen I meane.

Was this faire face the cause, quoth she,
Why the Grecians sacked Troy,
Fond done, done, fond was this King Priams ioy,
With that she sighed as she stood, bis
And gaue this sentence then, among nine bad if one be
good, among nine bad if one be good, there's yet one
good in ten.

What, one good in tenne? you corrupt the song sirra.

One good woman in ten Madam, which is a purifying
ath' song: would God would serue the world so
all the yeere, weed finde no fault with the tithe woman
if I were the Parson, one in ten quoth a? and wee might
haue a good woman borne but ore euerie blazing starre,
or at an earthquake, 'twould mend the Lotterie well, a
man may draw his heart out ere a plucke one.

Youle begone sir knaue, and doe as I command you?

That man should be at womans command, and
yet no hurt done, though honestie be no Puritan, yet
it will doe no hurt, it will weare the Surplis of humilitie
ouer the blacke-Gowne of a bigge heart: I am going
Exit.forsooth, the businesse is for Helen to come hither.

Well now.

I know Madam you loue your Gentlewoman intirely.

Faith I doe: her Father bequeath'd her to mee,
and she her selfe without other aduantage, may lawfullie
make title to as much loue as shee findes, there is
more owing her then is paid, and more shall be paid
her then sheele demand.

Madam, I was verie late more neere her then
I thinke shee wisht mee, alone shee was, and did
communicate to her selfe her owne words to her
owne eares, shee thought, I dare vowe for her, they
toucht not anie stranger sence, her matter was, shee
loued your Sonne; Fortune shee said was no goddesse,
that had put such difference betwixt their two
estates: Loue no god, that would not extend his might
onelie, where qualities were leuell, Queene of Virgins,
that would suffer her poore Knight surpris'd
without rescue in the first assault or ransome afterward:
This shee deliuer'd in the most bitter touch of
sorrow that ere I heard Virgin exclaime in, which I held
my dutie speedily to acquaint you withall, sithence in
the losse that may happen, it concernes you something
to know it.

You haue discharg'd this honestlie, keepe it
to your selfe, manie likelihoods inform'd mee of this
before, which hung so tottring in the ballance, that
I could neither beleeue nor misdoubt: praie you
leaue mee, stall this in your bosome, and I thanke
you for your honest care: I will speake with you further
Exit Steward.anon.

Enter Hellen.

Old.Cou. Euen so it was with me when I was yong:
If euer we are natures, these are ours, this thorne
Doth to our Rose of youth rightlie belong
Our bloud to vs, this to our blood is borne,
It is the show, and seale of natures truth,
Where loues strong passion is imprest in youth,
By our remembrances of daies forgon,
Such were our faults, or then we thought them none,
Her eie is sicke on't, I obserue her now.

What is your pleasure Madam?

You know Hellen I am a mother to you.

Mine honorable Mistris.

Nay a mother, why not a mother? when I sed a mother
Me thought you saw a serpent, what's in mother,
That you start at it? I say I am your mother,
And put you in the Catalogue of those
That were enwombed mine, 'tis often seene
Adoption striues with nature, and choise breedes
A natiue slip to vs from forraine seedes:
You nere opprest me with a mothers groane,
Yet I expresse to you a mothers care,
(Gods mercie maiden) dos it curd thy blood
To say I am thy mother? what's the matter,
That this distempered messenger of wet?
