Page:Shakespeare - First Folio Faithfully Reproduced, Methuen, 1910.djvu/270

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All's Well that Ends Well.

prize him; such I will haue whom I am sure he knowes
not from the enemie: wee will binde and hoodwinke
him so, that he shall suppose no other but that he is
carried into the Leager of the aduersaries, when we bring
him to our owne tents: be but your Lordship present
at his examination, if he do not for the promise of his
life, and in the highest compulsion of base feare, offer to
betray you, and deliuer all the intelligence in his power
against you, and that with the diuine forfeite of his
soule vpon oath, neuer trust my iudgement in anie

O for the loue of laughter, let him fetch his
drumme, he sayes he has a stratagem for't: when your
Lordship sees the bottome of this successe in't, and to
what mettle this counterfeyt lump of ours will be
melted if you giue him not Iohn drummes entertainement,
your inclining cannot be remoued. Heere he comes.

Enter Parrolles.

O for the loue of laughter hinder not the honor
of his designe, let him fetch off his drumme in any hand.

How now Monsieur? This drumme sticks sorely
in your disposition.

A pox on't, let it go, 'tis but a drumme.

But a drumme: Ist but a drumme? A drum so
lost. There was excellent command, to charge in with
our horse vpon our owne wings, and to rend our owne

That was not to be blam'd in the command
of the seruice: it was a disaster of warre that Cæsar him
selfe could not haue preuented, if he had beene there to

Well, wee cannot greatly condemne our successe:
some dishonor wee had in the losse of that drum,
but it is not to be recouered.

It might haue beene recouered.

It might, but it is not now.

It is to be recouered, but that the merit of seruice
is sildome attributed to the true and exact performer,
I would haue that drumme or another, or hic iacet.

Why if you haue a stomacke, too't Monsieur: if
you thinke your mysterie in stratagem, can bring this
instrument of honour againe into his natiue quarter, be
magnanimious in the enterprize and go on, I wil grace
the attempt for a worthy exploit: if you speede well in
it, the Duke shall both speake of it, and extend to you
what further becomes his greatnesse, euen to the vtmost
syllable of your worthinesse.

By the hand of a souldier I will vndertake it.

But you must not now slumber in it.

Ile about it this euening, and I will presently
pen downe my dilemma's, encourage my selfe in my
certaintie, put my selfe into my mortall preparation:
and by midnight looke to heare further from me.

May I bee bold to acquaint his grace you are
gone about it.

I know not what the successe wil be my Lord,
but the attempt I vow.

I know th'art valiant,
And to the possibility of thy souldiership,
Will subscribe for thee: Farewell.

ExitI loue not many words.

No more then a fish loues water. Is not this
a strange fellow my Lord, that so confidently seemes to
vndertake this businesse, which he knowes is not to be
done, damnes himselfe to do, & dares better be damnd
then to doo't.

You do not know him my Lord as we doe,
certaine it is that he will steale himselfe into a mans
fauour, and for a weeke escape a great deale of discoueries,
but when you finde him out, you haue him euer after.

Why do you thinke he will make no deede at
all of this that so seriouslie hee dooes addresse himselfe

None in the world, but returne with an inuention,
and clap vpon you two or three probable lies:
but we haue almost imbost him, you shall see his fall to
night; for indeede he is not for your Lordshippes respect.

Weele make you some sport with the Foxe
ere we case him. He was first smoak'd by the old Lord
Lafew, when his disguise and he is parted, tell me what
a sprat you shall finde him, which you shall see this verie night.

I must go looke my twigges,
He shall be caught.

Your brother he shall go along with me.

As't please your Lordship, Ile leaue you.

Now wil I lead you to the house, and shew you
The Lasse I spoke of.

But you say she's honest.

That's all the fault: I spoke with hir but once,
And found her wondrous cold, but I sent to her
By this same Coxcombe that we haue i'th winde
Tokens and Letters, which she did resend,
And this is all I haue done: She's a faire creature,
Will you go see her?

ExeuntWith all my heart my Lord.

Enter Hellen, and Widdow.

If you misdoubt me that I am not shee,
I know not how I shall assure you further,
But I shall loose the grounds I worke vpon.

Though my estate be falne, I was well borne,
Nothing acquainted with these businesses,
And would not put my reputation now
In any staining act.

Nor would I wish you.
First giue me trust, the Count he is my husband,
And what to your sworne counsaile I haue spoken,
Is so from word to word: and then you cannot
By the good ayde that I of you shall borrow,
Erre in bestowing it.

I should beleeue you,
For you haue shew'd me that which well approues
Y'are great in fortune.

Take this purse of Gold,
And let me buy your friendly helpe thus farre,
Which I will ouer-pay, and pay againe
When I haue found it. The Count he woes your daughter,
Layes downe his wanton siedge before her beautie,
Resolue to carrie her: let her in fine consent
As wee'l direct her how 'tis best to beare it:
Now his important blood will naught denie,
That shee'l demand: a ring the Countie weares,
That downward hath succeeded in his house
