Page:Shakespeare Collection of Poems.djvu/140

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The Rape of Lucrece.
By this starts Colatine as from a dreame,
And bids Lucretius give his sorrow place,
And then in key-cold Lucrece bleeding streame
He fals, and bathes the pale fear in his face,
And counterfeits to die with her a space.
Till manly shame bids him possess his breath,
And live, to be revenged on her death.

The deep vexation of his inward soule
Hath serv'd a dumb arrest upon his tongue,
Who made that sorrow should his use controle,
Or keep him from heart-easing words so long,
Begins to talk, but through his lips do throng
Weak words, so thick come in his poor hearts aid,
That no man could distinguish what he said.

Yet sometime Tarquin was pronounced plain,
But through his teeth, as if the name he tore,
This windy tempest till it blow up rain,
Held back his sorrows tide, to make it more.
At last it raines, and busy winds give ore:
Then son and father weep with equal strife,
Who should weep most for Daughter or for Wife.

The one doth call her his, the other his,
Yet neither may possesse the claim they lay:
The father says, she's mine; O mine she is,
Replies her husband: Do not take away
