Page:Shakespeare Collection of Poems.djvu/142

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The Rape of Lucrece.
Is it revenge to give thy self a blow
For his foul act, by whom thy fair wife bleeds?
Such childish humor from weak minds proceeds.
Thy wretched wife mistook the matter so,
To slay her self, that should have slain her foe.

Couragious Romane do not steep thy heart
In such lamenting dew of lamentations,
But kneele with me, and help to bear thy part,
To rouse our Romane Gods with invocations,
That they will suffer these abominations,
(Since Rome her self in them doth stand disgraced
By our strong arms from forth her fair streets chased.

Now by the Capitol that we adore,
And by this chaste bloud so unjustly stained,
By heavens fair sun, that breeds the fat earths store,
By all our country rites in Rome maintained,
And by chast Lucreces soul that late complained
Her wrongs to us, and by this bloudy knife,
We will revenge the death of this true wife.

This said, he strook his hand upon his breast,
And kist the fatal knife to end his vow:
And to his protestation urg'd the rest,
Who wondring at him, did his words allow:
Then jointly to the ground their knees they bow,
And that deep vow which Brutus made before,
He doth again repeat, and that they swore.
