Page:Shakespeare Collection of Poems.djvu/81

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The Rape of Lucrece.
All pure effects, and doth so far proceed,
That what is vile shews like a vertuous deed.

Quoth he, she took me kindly by the hand,
And gaz'd for tydings in my eager eyes,
Fearing some hard news from the warlike band
Where her beloved Colatinus lies.
O how her fear did make her colour rise?
First red as Roses that on Lawn we lay,
Then white as Lawn, the Roses took away.

And how her hand in my hand being lockt,
Forst it to tremble with her loyal fear:
Which strooke her sad, and then it faster rockt,
Until her Husbands welfare she did hear,
Whereat she smiled with so sweet a cheare,
That had Narcissus seen her as she stood,
Self-love had never drown'd him in the flood.

Why hunt I then for colour or excuses?
All Orators are dumb when beauty pleads,
Poor wretches have remorse in poor abuses,
Love thrives not in the heart that shadows dreads,
Affection is my Captain and he leads:
And when his gaudy banner is displaid,
The Coward fights, and will not be dismaid.

Then childish fear avant, debating die,
Respect and Reason wait on wrinkled age:
My heart shall never countermand mine eye,
