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Words from Peele's 'Old Wives Tale,' 1595, where it is sung. Music from J. Playford, 1650 circ., but may be older.

{ \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Sir Toby" } \key bes \major \time 2/2 \relative d'' {
  d2*1/2 c4*1/2 d bes2*1/2 f |
  bes a4*1/2 bes d,2*1/2 ees | %eol 1
  f bes4.*1/2 a8*1/2 bes4*1/2( c) d2*1/2 |
  c\breve*1/2 \bar "||"
  c2*1/2 c4*1/2 a f2*1/2 f | %eol 2
  f' f4*1/2 ees d2*1/2 bes |
  c c c4*1/2( d) ees2*1/2 |
  d\breve*1/2 \bar "||" }
\addlyrics { Three mer -- ry men, and three mer -- ry men, and 
three mer -- ry men be we, I in the wood and thou on the ground, And Jack sleeps in the tree.} }

10. 'There Dwelt a Man in Babylon,' p. 71. Tw. Nt. 2/3, 80. Music anon., but most probably later than Shakespeare's time.

{ \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \once \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Sir Toby" }  \key f \major \time 4/4 \relative f' { \autoBeamOff
  f4.^\markup \small \italic "slow" g8 a4. bes8 |
  c4 f, r4 r8 \bar "||" \key g \minor \time 2/4 f8^\markup \small \italic "lively" %eol 1
  bes8 bes bes8. d16 | c8. a16 a8 a |
  bes g g g | fis d d a' | %eol 2
  bes bes bes d | c a a4 | bes8 g a fis | g4 g8 \bar "||" }
\addlyrics { Til -- ly val -- ley, La -- dy! There dwelt a man in Bab -- y -- lon, in Bab -- y -- lon, in Bab -- y -- lon, There dwelt a man in Bab -- y -- lon, La -- dy! La -- dy! La -- dy! } }

Here is one verse of the 'Ballad of Constant Susanna,' to which Toby refers.

'There dwelt a man in Babylon
Of reputation great by fame;
He took to wife a faire woman,
Susanna she was callde by name.
A woman faire and vertuous,
Lady, lady!
Why should we not of her learn thus
To live godly?'