Page:Shakespeare of Stratford (1926) Yale.djvu/129

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Shakespeare of Stratford

and came forth of it, and viewed her in her bed and the marks of her body, and took away her bracelet, and after accused her of adultery to her love, &c; and in the end how he came with the Romans into England, and was taken prisoner, and after revealed to Innogen, who had turned herself into man’s apparel and fled to meet her love at Milford Haven, and chanced to fall on the cave in the woods where her two brothers were. And how, by eating a sleeping dram, they thought she had been dead and laid her in the woods, and the body of Cloten by her in her love’s apparel that he left behind him; and how she was found by Lucius, &c.

XIV. The Winter’s Tale, 1611.

Entry in Forman’s Diary, May 15, 1611.

In the Winter’s Tale at the Globe, 1611, the 15 of May, Wednesday. Observe there how Leontes, the King of Sicilia, was overcome with jealousy of his wife with the King of Bohemia, his friend that came to see him, and how he contrived his death and would have had his cupbearer to have poisoned—who gave the King of Bohemia warning thereof and fled with him to Bohemia. Remember also how he sent to the oracle of Apollo, and the answer of Apollo that she was guiltless and that the king was jealous, &c., and how, except the child was found again that was lost, the king should die without issue: for the child was carried into Bohemia and there laid in a forest, and brought up by a shepherd; and the King of Bohemia his son married that wench. And how they fled into Sicilia to Leontes, and the shepherd having showed the letter of the nobleman by whom Leontes sent that child and