Page:Shakespeare of Stratford (1926) Yale.djvu/189

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Shakespeare of Stratford

Macbeth: Forman’s account of, 110–112; metrical features, 123, 127; flattery of James I in, 136, 154.

Mainwaring, Humphrey: witness to Combes’ deed to Shakespeare, 42.

Mannering (Mainwaring) Arthur: concerned in Welcombe enclosure scheme, 77–78.

Manningham, John: his anecdote of Shakespeare and Burbage, 39; account of Twelfth Night, 108.

Marlowe, Christopher: reprimanded by Greene and Chettle, 10, 11; Shakespeare’s superiority to, 92; contrasted with Shakespeare, 137–140, 141, 146; quoted, 156, 158, 159.

Marston, John: ‘Crispinus’ in Jonson’s Poetaster, 39; alludes to performance of Romeo and Juliet, 130, 155.

Mason, Richard: witness to Combes’ deed to Shakespeare, 42,

Measure for Measure: performed at court, 51; metrical features, 127.

Merchant of Venice: performed at court, 51; spurious edition of, 117; list of quartos, 119; metrical features, 127; local allusion in, 137.

Meres, Francis: his estimate of Shakespeare, 25–26.

Merrick (Meyrick), Sir Gelly: his testimony about performance of Richard II, 105–106.

Merry Wives of Windsor: performed at court, 50; bad quarto text, 117; Folio text, 118; quartos of, 119; metrical features, 127; written for Queen Elizabeth, 136; a relative failure, 154.

metrical tests in Shakespeare: 122–127.

Middle Temple: Twelfth Night performed at, 108, 133.

Midsummer Night’s Dream, A: spurious edition of, 117; the two quartos, 119; metrical features, 124, 127; tribute to Queen Elizabeth in, 186; fantastic interpretations of, 150.

Montgomery, Philip Herbert, Earl of: Shakespeare Folio dedicated to, 87–89.

Mountjoy, Christopher: Shakespeare’s landlord, 65–70.

Mountjoy, Mary: suit arising from her marriage, 65–69.

Much Ado about Nothing: entry on Stationers’ Register, 85–86; quarto edition, 119; date of, 120; metrical features, 127.

Nashe, Anthony and John: witnesses to Combes’ deed to Shakespeare, 42; bequests to them in poet’s will, 84.