Page:Shakespearean Tragedy (1912).djvu/380

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lect. ix.

Yet it is never complete. To the end he never totally loses our sympathy; we never feel towards him as we do to those who appear the born children of darkness. There remains something sublime in the defiance with which, even when cheated of his last hope, he faces earth and hell and heaven. Nor would any soul to whom evil was congenial be capable of that heart-sickness which overcomes him when he thinks of the ‘honour, love, obedience, troops of friends’ which ‘he must not look to have’ (and which Iago would never have cared to have), and contrasts with them

Curses, not loud but deep, mouth-honour, breath,
Which the poor heart would fain deny, and dare not,

(and which Iago would have accepted with indifference). Neither can I agree with those who find in his reception of the news of his wife’s death proof of alienation or utter carelessness. There is no proof of these in the words,

She should have died hereafter;
There would have been a time for such a word,

spoken as they are by a man already in some measure prepared for such news, and now transported by the frenzy of his last fight for life. He has no time now to feel.[1] Only, as he thinks of the morrow when time to feel will come—if anything comes, the vanity of all hopes and forward-

  1. I do not at all suggest that his love for his wife remains what it was when he greeted her with the words ‘My dearest love, Duncan comes here to-night.’ He has greatly changed; she has ceased to help him, sunk in her own despair; and there is no intensity of anxiety in the questions he puts to the doctor about her. But his love for her was probably never unselfish, never the love of Brutus, who, in somewhat similar circumstances, uses, on the death of Cassius, words which remind us of Macbeth’s:
    I shall find time, Cassius, I shall find time.

    For the opposite strain of feeling cf. Sonnet 90:

    Then hate me if thou wilt; if ever, now,
    Now while the world is bent my deeds to cross.