Page:Shakespearean Tragedy (1912).djvu/510

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The titles of plays are in italics. So are the numbers of the pages containing the main discussion of a character. The titles of the Notes are not repeated in the Index.

Aaron, 200, 211.

Abnormal mental conditions, 13, 398.

Accident, in tragedy, 7, 14–16, 26, 28; in Hamlet, 143, 173; in Othello, 181–2; in King Lear, 253, 325.

Act, difficulty in Fourth, 57–8; the five Acts, 49.

Action, tragic, 11, 12, 31; and character, 12, 193; a conflict, 16–19.

Adversity and prosperity in King Lear, 326–7.

Albany, 297–8.

Antonio, 110, 404.

Antony and Cleopatra, 3, 7, 45, 80; conflict, 17–8; crisis, 53, 55, 66; humour in catastrophe, 62, 395–6; battle-scenes, 62–3; extended catastrophe, 64; faulty construction, 71, 260; passion in, 82; evil in, 83–4; versification, 87, Note BB.

Antony, 22, 29, 63, 83–4.

Arden of Feversham, 9.

Ariel, 264.

Aristotle, 16, 22.

Art, Shakespeare’s, conscious, 68–9; defects in, 71–78.

Arthur, 294.

As You Like It, 71, 267, 390.

Atmosphere in tragedy, 333.

Banquo, 343, 379–86.

Barbara, the maid, 175.

Battle-scene, 62, 451, 469; in King Lear, 255, Note X.

Beast and man, in King Lear, 266–8; in Timon, 453.

Bernhardt, Mme., 379.

Biblical ideas, in King Lear, 328.

Bombast, 73, 75–6, 389, Note F.

Brandes, G., 379, 393.

Brutus, 7, 14, 22, 27, 32, 81–2, 101, 364.

Caliban, 264.

Cassio, 211–3, 238–9, 433–4.

Catastrophe, humour before, 61–2; battle-scenes in, 62; false hope before, 63; extended, 62; in Antony and Coriolanus, 83–4. See Hamlet, etc.

Character, and plot, 12; is destiny, 13; tragic, 19–23.

Chaucer, 8, 346.

Children, in the plays, 293–5.

Cleopatra, 7, 20, 84, 178, 208.

Coleridge, 104–5, 107, 109, 127, 165, 200, 201, 209, 223, 226, 228, 249, 343, 353, 362, 389, 391, 392, 397, 412, 413.

Comedy, 15, 41.

Conflict, tragic, 16–9; originates in evil, 34; oscillating movement in, 50; crisis in, 51–5; descending movement of, 55–62.

Conscience. See Hamlet.

Cordelia, 29, 32, 203–6, 250, 290, 314, 315–26, Note W.

Coriolanus, 3, 9, 43, 394–5; crisis, 53; hero off stage, 57; counter-stroke, 58; humour, 61; passion, 82; catastrophe, 83–4; versification, Note BB.

Coriolanus, 20, 29, 83–4, 196.

Cornwall, 298–9.

Crisis. See Conflict.

Curtain, no front, in Shakespeare’s theatre, 185, 458.

Cymbeline, 7, 21, 72, 80, Note BB; Queen in, 300.

Desdemona, 32, 165, 179, 193, 197; 201–6, 323, 433, 437–9.

Disillusionment, in tragedies, 175.

Dog, the, Shakespeare and, 268.

Don John, 110, 210.