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Leelatai’s words had mesmerizing effect. One lady farmer, inspired by what she heard, got up and said, ‘If this honourable lady is not turning back, then even I am not going to turn back. If she is prepared to sacrifice everything, so am I. Let you men run away, but we, the wives of farmers, will continue to fight. Come what may!’ With this totally unexpected stand by their womenfolk, the farmers were also now charged up. Atmosphere was suddenly transformed. Shouting slogans at the top of their voice, farmers surrounded the office where NAFED officials were seated, locking them inside. No one was allowed to come out. The struggle had suddenly become very belligerent. The government officials and the police present were also bewildered. That speech by Leelatai was one of the most critical and dramatic moments of the onion struggle. In less than five minutes she had revived the flagging spirit of the farmers. Mama Shinde, who had been delegated responsibility as the first Satyagrahi for that agitation and a few others, who were present at the spot, still recall that day in choked voice and tear-filled eyes. Eventually Government budged. A senior officer of NAFED rushed to the site and negotiated with the agitating farmers. NAFED agreed to purchase onion at the rate of Rs. 50 to 60 per quintal. This was a huge victory for farmers because by then the price of onion had crashed to barely Rs. 15. On 6 May, after five days, Joshi ended his fast. However, it had become a vicious cycle by now. If farmers began to agitate strongly, government would temporarily announce higher rate, but in effect it was never given. NAFED would just refuse to buy the onion calling the lot “inferior”. There was no point in arguing with them because their word was final. Onions in Chakan : First Spark