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Remembering that visit, Nirgude had written, ‘It was my first time sitting at a dining table to eat. Whenever his family tried to serve me something I was too overwhelmed. With much hesitation I finished supper. I could hardly sleep that night. All along I was thinking that these people are far too big and I am here by mistake. I decided that following morning as soon as possible I would leave this place.’ But Joshi did not let him go. For next three days he got Nirgude to accompany him on the tour of different places like Alandi, Narayangaon and Manchar. In fact he ensured that Nirgude sat next to him on stage. For Nirgude, this was the first time to attend any SS meeting. He was intently listening to every word of Joshi’s speech. When the time came to leave, Nirgude was inspired to do something once he returned. This probably was Joshi’s intention in spending all that time with him. This was how Joshi one by one cultivated ordinary but genuinely interested persons who might lead him to new areas of work. Another significant development around that time was a training programme Joshi organized on 6 and 7 April 1980 at Alandi. He knew well that if SS had to expand, it would need a trained group of farmers who could form the core of the organization. Joshi had invited three leading intellectuals to speak to the farmers. One was Dr V. M. Kulkarni, well-known sociologist who taught Development Journalism at Pune University and published a weekly called Paaywat. He spoke on Neglect of Rural Economy. The second speaker was Dr M. V. Bhatawadekar who spoke on Development and Awareness. Renowned economist Dr V. M. Dandekar spoke on the Prices of Agriculture Produce. Joshi himself also spoke three-four times. All speeches were followed by questions and answers. For most of the farmers this was the first opportunity in life to sit down for any formal training. There was also an open forum on what could be the programme of SS for the coming year. Simple Bitter Story of Sugarcane