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points came up before the meeting. They were: 1. Reduced price paid by the Maharashtra Government, 2. Declining use of cotton following the new textile policy, 3. Delay in making payment to the farmers towards the purchase of cotton crop, and, 4. Stifling restrictions put on the export of cotton and on sending it to other States within India. The first point of course was of immediate concern. Moreshwar Temurde, the Member of Legislative Assembly was appointed as the leader for this struggle. It was decided to intensify the agitation in a phased manner. It was to start with a one-day rasta roko on 23 November, followed by rasta roko for those wearing synthetic clothes from 6 December, then organizing a week starting from 6 December as a Babu Genu Memory Week during which to have protests at different places, do rail roko at Sewagram on 12 December and finally to announce gaavbandi (preventing entry of the leaders not recognising farmer’s issues to their respective towns) from that day. The agitation was to be most intense in Vidarbha and Marathwada which were the main cotton growing parts. Government also planned preventive action. Twelve leaders including Joshi and Jawandhiya were arrested while traveling from Hinganghat to Wardha on 6 December itself, the day major rasta roko was to start. They were given judicial custody till 15 December. At this hour renowned lawyer from Nagpur Arvind alias Bhausaheb Bobade stood up in defence of farmers. He was the father of Sharad Bobade, who later became the Chief Justice of India. He made an application in High Court and got Joshi released within two days. His arrest and detention was proved illegal. But then Government again arrested him on 11 164


Sharad Joshi : Leading Farmers to the Centre Stage